Digital Art


15 1/1 artworks // A digital art collection comprised of fifteen (15) hand-drawn and coded pieces. Each piece resembles a computer motherboard, visualized with retro color palettes and illuminated by light bursts, symbolizing data flow through intricate networks taking inspiration from the ANSI art movement. VIEW


6 1/1 artworks // Radiation is an on-chain artwork collection comprising six (6) 1/1s, all on-chain, with no external storage. Crafted with code from contract to token. Radiation is the emission of energy in the form of waves traveling through space at the speed of light. The capabilities of your device control each light art piece. VIEW

The Network

6 1/1 artworks // The infinite digital landscape. Visualized through nodes (skeletons) and light beams (information), each symbolizing interactions and information flow on the network. This artwork thoughtfully explores the impact of AI (artificial intelligence) and its consequences on human life. Each piece delves into how information shapes our perceptions, connections, and, ultimately, our existence. Will love be lost? Will relationships exist? Will human passions be nonexistent? Will the search field control our existence? Overall, the artwork is a compelling commentary on our growing dependency on AI and its profound societal effects. VIEW


13 1/1 artworks // h4x0r = Hacker a character living on-chain overseeing all network activity. Visualized as a hooded skeleton wearing a headset that acts as the transporter through the chain. Each green block represents a txn (you) interacting with the chain. (You buy an nft-you are a block.) These green blocks are the stories that h4x0r visualizes in each piece of artwork. A symbolic meme, a security best practice reminder, an explorer of innovation. VIEW

Light of Consciousness

6 1/1 artworks // Light of Consciousness is an exploration of the human and light connection. Why are humans drawn to light? Why does light make humans feel more energetic and lifts our mood? Why do we wake up and function during the day and sleep at night? The artwork uses a simple rainbow color pallet created when light movement passes and reflects off of a surface. VIEW


4 1/1 artworks // Tools of the Trade is a collection of digital and physical experiments visualizing the daily tools used to create them. I’m obsessed with processes and my goal in this collection was to highlight the tools utilized to bring ideas to life during the creation process not limited to digital or physical. VIEW